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Getting to Gold— How to Become a Microsoft Gold Partner

2021-12-20T07:46:20-07:00By |

You may come across the phrase, "As a Microsoft Gold Partner," at the end of a technology blog or find it scattered across a technology consulting website. It sounds like a nice accolade, but it does not carry much weight if the reader or customer does not know its meaning. To provide greater insight into what it means to work with a Microsoft Partner, we share all the details of how you become a partner, what type of partners are available, and the benefits of being a partner below. What is a Microsoft Gold Partner? A Microsoft Certified Professional [...]

Digital Transformation Trends in 2021

2021-01-28T13:25:50-07:00By |

No one could have predicted the series of events that unfolded in 2020. The global coronavirus pandemic perpetuated an upheaval of everything we knew as usual almost overnight. A decade of digital transformation happened within six months, pressuring businesses to adapt by creating a secure and reliable remote working environment. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation and almost everything else about how technology drives a business forward. Let us see how this innovation will continue to carry us as we move into 2021. What is Next for Business Technology A question that everyone is asking relative to the pandemic, the [...]

Cross-Channel Personalization with Microsoft Customer Voice

2022-12-12T15:08:38-07:00By |

Knowing your customer base's interests and using them to create extraordinary experiences seems like an impossible and daunting task. With a robust customer relationship platform such as Microsoft's Customer Voice, businesses can gather and track customer metrics that mean the most to their mission while harnessing the power of cross-channel personalization. Let us explore what capabilities of Customer Voice and what it means for your business. Customer Voice is the New Forms Pro A year ago, Microsoft launched Forms and Forms Pro, which functioned in tandem with the Common Data Service to provide users with customer feedback and survey [...]

Growing Forward: A Decentralized & Independent Workforce

2021-01-08T06:14:52-07:00By |

At the beginning of this year, optimism flowed freely through businesses and homes. But in one of the most remarkable plot twists in history, we have experienced a year filled with economic challenges and changes for nearly every industry and household. As the workforce shifted practically overnight, workers and companies alike had to adapt to a new, remote environment with continuously evolving needs. But freelancers and decentralized companies found themselves prepared for the new normal. Navigating the New Normal An article in the Harvard Business Review from the beginning of March 2020 predicted that the current economic situation due to [...]

The Azure Bot Service on the Microsoft Bot Framework

2021-07-16T04:46:02-06:00By |

Robots taking over the world is a scenario Hollywood has used in Sci-Fi storylines for generations. But in the modern-day technology sector, bots are an everyday encounter. The Azure Bot Service on the Microsoft Bot Framework transforms the ways a developer designs, deploys and manages bots. Whether you are building a chatbot or a productivity bot, there are specific steps vital to the process. Let us uncover the core components of building an intelligent, human-like bot on the Azure Bot Service. Building AI Experiences with the Microsoft Bot Framework The Microsoft Bot Framework provides tools to develop, test, launch, [...]

Top 10 States for Tech Entrepreneurs in 2020

2021-09-23T11:05:16-06:00By |

There is a seemingly never-ending list of things of crucial decisions and considerations when you are a tech entrepreneur—choosing where to open your next business, where to move your current business, or where to live as a business leader is challenging at best. You must consider factors such as age range and education, local employment, housing expenses, and startup surges, which may get overwhelming. That is why we assembled a list outlining the best states for tech entrepreneurs to begin their next endeavor. Here are the top ten states for tech entrepreneurs in 2020: Colorado Over the past 20 [...]

10 Tech Resources to Help Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

2021-06-09T09:45:08-06:00By |

Times are tough, but you and your business are tougher. Tech companies have rallied together to provide you with an arsenal of resources to navigate this difficult time. Bauen Solutions wants you to know we are for you and your company. We have created a list of ten tech resources to help you and your team navigate the COVID-19 crisis. As our CEO Walter Silin said in a recent article, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis is showing how companies can interact differently with their internal and external clients. "People need to stay home, and cloud-powered services are giving them tools [...]

Improve Performance with Dynamics 365 for Marketing

2020-04-10T16:26:25-06:00By |

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a customer relationship software that helps businesses organize customers, leads, and essential insights on a single platform. The Dynamics 365 platform consists of five cloud-based applications. The applications are Dynamics 365 for Sales, Dynamics 365 for Marketing, Dynamics 365 for Customer Service, Dynamics 365 for Field Service, and Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation. Each application creates a personalized platform tailored to the unique needs of your business. Dynamics 365 for Marketing is an app dedicated to providing users with the tools to run targeted, multi-channel campaigns through marketing automation, helping turn leads into engaged [...]

Build vs. Buy: Your Guide to Software Decision-Making

2020-10-10T17:29:40-06:00By |

Cloud computing transformed the way businesses, and development companies address software solutions. The number of options that are available for companies to choose from today can be overwhelming when everything is “as-a-Service.” In an environment with so many options, you may ask yourself, “Why would I build a solution when I can buy easily?” There is a time and place for both choices but knowing what the right decision is can be difficult. That is why we created the Build vs. Buy Software Decision-Making Guide. First Things First… Think Think of the processes that run your business. You must pay [...]

5 Practical Technology Projects Your Business Can Actually Do In 2020

2020-03-07T21:35:11-07:00By |

I’ve read a lot of the tech trend articles in the last month attempting to predict the next big thing in 2020. I couldn't help but laugh at all the writers throwing out AI, deep learning, and automation, along with many other buzzwords. Unless your name is Musk or Bezos you probably are not building sentient robots this year. So for the rest of us, what practical technology project should we really be focusing in the next 12 months? I was struck by the number of articles that talked about 5G wireless technology. While there is a hot race [...]

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