Increase productivity with Power Apps in Microsoft Teams

2021-11-18T16:04:50-07:00By |

Microsoft are constantly trying to make Teams better. One recent example is the new Power Apps integration in Teams. The goal is to increase productivity with Power Apps, by giving users speedier access to extra tools. The Teams Power Apps integrations were first announced last year. If you haven't yet used the Power Apps integration in Microsoft Teams, we would definitely recommend trying it. Let's see why. What is the Microsoft Teams integration with Power Apps? Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform where people can easily chat with coworkers. Power Apps is a part of the Microsoft [...]

What the Power Platform 2021 release wave 2 means for your Power Apps

2021-11-18T16:06:21-07:00By |

The Microsoft Power Platform is constantly being updated to provide app makers with new features and capabilities. And the next update (Power Platform 2021 release wave 2) will be available for all subscribers from October 1st. Staying on top of the Power Platform product roadmap can be challenging – if you’re already busy, you probably won’t have time to read about all the updates coming down the line! To save you time, we’ve looked at all the new features announced in the Power Platform 2021 release wave 2, to bring you a summary of the most exciting experiences you can look forward to. 6 new updates coming to Power Apps this October Here are the new Power Apps features coming to the Microsoft Power Platform this October that we think are going to be particularly helpful to app [...]

Introducing Power Automate Visual for Power BI

2021-07-01T08:45:20-06:00By |

A new development has been causing a stir in both the Microsoft and business intelligence worlds. Everyone’s talking about Power Automate Visual for Power BI. But why? And what exactly is Power Automate Visual? If you’re asking yourself those questions, you’ve come to the right place. The power to create Flows in Power BI “Actionable insights” is a phrase you hear a lot in the business intelligence space. The ability to take learnings from the data you analyze and put them to direct use. In essence, that’s at the core of Power Automate Visual for Power BI. It’s a [...]

A firm need for change: Power Apps for professional services

2021-03-07T23:05:26-07:00By |

For as long as the “billable hours” model has existed, professional services firms have faced the imperative to do more with less. That’s because when a client is paying for your time, they want that time (and therefore their money) to be spent as cost-effectively as possible. Otherwise, the line of thought runs, they’ll get somebody else to do the job just as well but quicker and cheaper.   In 2021, “doing more with less” hinges on your willingness and ability to drive digital transformation and adopt new game-changing tech. And because you want to be that “somebody else” – not the firm getting ditched – I’ll explore how to do that. In this case by harnessing the possibilities of low-code development [...]

Will low-code development and citizen developers spark a new tech arms race?

2021-01-28T21:35:24-07:00By |

Low-code development platforms have done a lot to level the playing field and democratize development. In the age of the citizen developer, organizations are no longer held back by a lack of in-house coding expertise and prohibitively lengthy and expensive solution implementation periods.   As well as unlocking a wider world of possibilities and opportunities for businesses everywhere, low-code development has also opened a Pandora’s box, dramatically altering the technology landscape. Now there’s new territory to be navigated, new approaches to be taken, and new considerations for success. Let’s explore.    A new challenge appears  With the advent of low-code, today’s organizations suddenly find themselves in a new arena of competition, surrounded by rivals now arming themselves with new mobile apps, digitally-transformed business operations, and custom software for line-of-business staff: all perfectly designed to give [...]

In case of emergency, break out Power Apps for business continuity

2021-02-12T13:29:18-07:00By |

New challenges require new solutions. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 has seen plenty of the former, with new distances created between colleagues, customers, and businesses, together with new considerations that are necessary to carry out even everyday operations. Organizations everywhere have had to rely on new technology solutions to maintain productivity and collaboration, and Microsoft’s Power Apps has arguably been the breakout star of the year. Let’s look at why many are choosing Power Apps for business continuity. But first, a little recap of the story so far.   COVID-19 was a wakeup call   Until not so long ago, it was often expertise-and-time-intensive for a business to create its own bespoke technology solutions. It required professional developers and drawn-out development periods. The alternative was to enlist a third party, which could be expensive.   [...]

New Power Apps integration makes Teams a powerful productivity platform

2021-01-28T21:51:52-07:00By |

Since Teams’ beginnings as a communication tool, Microsoft’s ambitions for its collaboration hub have greatly expanded. The tech titan knows the more business users can do within Teams, the less likely they are to click off to a third-party tool – and the more central and valuable Teams becomes to organizations everywhere as their go-to, all-in-one productivity platform.   Teams has now become the place where work gets done – all your work. And such is Microsoft’s new drive to push “Teams as a Platform” (or, rather, the platform) that now they’ve even integrated Power Apps seamlessly into Teams.  Let’s look at what that means for you.    Microsoft Teams gets a Power boost   Core pillars of the Microsoft ecosystem such as the Office suite of apps and the Outlook [...]

Why choose Power Apps development? See the success stories for yourself

2021-01-28T13:06:24-07:00By |

Unless you’ve been living on a desert island for the last few years (if so, we’re jealous) you’ve probably heard of Microsoft Power Apps. Since its launch in 2015, the software development platform has made big waves in the technology world, unlocking new possibilities for organizations everywhere.   In this article, we’ll take a look at just why Power Apps development has become such a massive hit and consider the benefits of using it for your own custom applications. We’ll also show you some examples of organizations who’ve succeeded with Power Apps.    So, what’s the big deal with Power Apps?   Seamless integration with all your data and services   As Microsoft says, the world needs great solutions right now – perhaps now more than ever. Power [...]

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