About Walter Silin

As an entrepreneur and technologist, I am always looking for ways to apply technology to common business problems. I actively seek out solutions that result in increased efficiency or real monetary savings.

Azure Bot Service: game-changing conversational AI experiences for enterprise

2021-07-07T17:20:42-06:00By |

Today, most of us have first-hand experience of conversational AI from using smart assistants like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa. But for some organizations, it may not be a technology widely used in the workplace. However, Azure Bot Service is unlocking the potential of conversational AI experiences for enterprise organizations everywhere – including your competitors. This blog explores how chatbot application development with Microsoft’s Azure Bot Service can help you improve operations across a wide range of business use cases. We will look at the key benefits of integrating Azure bots into your network and explain how to maximize the [...]

How to create a culture of data-driven decision-making at your organization

2021-07-01T09:17:02-06:00By |

Bauen Solutions are big fans of Power BI. So, we’ll get right to the point: your organization needs to invest in Microsoft’s Power Platform. If you are already using Microsoft technology, then you need to look at training your users so they’re able to make the most of this powerful toolkit. That’s because all the leading organizations today are prioritizing data-driven decision-making. And we believe Power BI is the best platform to build a data-driven culture. Of course, technology is just one ingredient in an organization’s culture. Let’s not forget the most important part: your people. With tools as [...]

The value of business application development with Power Apps and Azure

2021-07-01T08:37:08-06:00By |

The world’s leading organizations prioritize being agile and adaptable to change. This is how they overcome market fluctuations, develop disruptive innovations, and continue to grow. In the age of the cloud and remote working, digital transformation strategies are created with agility at their core. This is where Microsoft Power Apps, the leading low-code business application development solution can play a major part in your organization’s strategy. Today, we’ll explain why low-code matters and why business application development with Power Apps can take your organization to the next level. We’ll also outline the advantage of the integration of Power Apps [...]

Strike gold with Application Insights and Power BI integration

2021-07-01T08:38:29-06:00By |

It’s often said that data is now the world’s most valuable resource. Every organization, from small local business to multinational corporation, sits on a mountain of data that is growing with each passing minute. But if “data is the new oil” how do you go about extracting it? Data visualization is just one step in helping employees make sense of data and turn “ones and zeros” into actionable insights, but it is crucial. In this blog we will look at how Microsoft Power BI makes it easier than ever for non-developers and non-IT-specialists to leverage data to achieve everyday [...]

Key business benefits of Power Apps new features roundup

2021-07-01T08:40:21-06:00By |

The great thing about Microsoft is that it is constantly improving its technology offering. With the SaaS business model, new features and updates are released on a regular basis. But, occasionally, with so many updates, it can be hard to keep on top of them all. This can mean missing out on getting the most from your Microsoft investment. In this blog, we are going to explore some of the recent new feature announcements for Microsoft Power Apps, how this adds to the value organizations can expect to enjoy from using the platform. Not only will we highlight what [...]

Power BI energy consumption dashboard possibilities and more

2021-07-01T08:41:42-06:00By |

Like practically every other industry, organizations in the energy sector face the constant need to keep tightening up their operations. It’s always imperative to improve and enhance services, increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and gain a better understanding of customers and their needs. And the sector has always been an enthusiastic adopter of any new technology that allows it to do this – which is why there’s been a recent boom of interest in Microsoft Power BI energy consumption dashboard possibilities. Given this flurry of interest, we decided to look at how Microsoft’s flagship business intelligence platform can provide the [...]

Introducing Power Automate Visual for Power BI

2021-07-01T08:45:20-06:00By |

A new development has been causing a stir in both the Microsoft and business intelligence worlds. Everyone’s talking about Power Automate Visual for Power BI. But why? And what exactly is Power Automate Visual? If you’re asking yourself those questions, you’ve come to the right place. The power to create Flows in Power BI “Actionable insights” is a phrase you hear a lot in the business intelligence space. The ability to take learnings from the data you analyze and put them to direct use. In essence, that’s at the core of Power Automate Visual for Power BI. It’s a [...]

The key benefits of paginated reports in Power BI and why you need to start using them

2021-12-20T08:12:33-07:00By |

If your organization builds large reports in Microsoft Power BI, or if you’re crying out for a solution that will help you get a handle on your data (and how to visualize it) in a succinct and efficient manner, you need to understand and create paginated reports in Power BI. Today, we’ll go into what they are and some of the key benefits. What is a paginated report? First things first, what is a paginated report? Well, a lot of the answer is in the name. Paginated as in “turned into pages”. A paginated report in Power BI is formatted in [...]

The business benefits of hosting WordPress on Azure

2021-05-19T10:16:04-06:00By |

WordPress is an extremely popular platform for creating and managing online content. This content management system is used by everyone from individuals to large organizations, thanks to its open-source license and easy, flexible customization. You’ve probably given a good deal of thought to what platform you want to build your site on, but have you applied the same level of scrutiny to where you host it? When it comes to hosting your WordPress site, there are some important considerations to be made. This blog will help you get a sense of why where you host your website is important and the key benefits of hosting WordPress on Azure, Microsoft’s [...]

Healthcare 4.0: 5 ways technology is enabling digital transformation in healthcare

2021-05-13T15:53:51-06:00By |

As one of the sectors rapidly being transformed by the advent of “Industry 4.0”, healthcare is undergoing dramatic change with new innovations appearing all the time. This article will explore “Healthcare 4.0” and how the cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies are powering a new kind of connected healthcare for patients and providers. Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting digital transformation in healthcare, including: Personalized apps for patients and clinicians Patient-owned and accessible healthcare records Connected patient observation and remote monitoring AI-driven diagnosis using current and historical data Custom data analytics 1. Personalized apps for patients and clinicians There is huge potential in the [...]

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